Reddit has a reputation by those who do not frequent it as a cesspool for incels to post Pickle Rick jpegs, but in reality the site is full of two things: 1) dopey, normcore inspiration and 2) things people did when they were bored. It is the latter category that produced what I believe to be the funniest thing ever to emerge from the site: the serious scientific inquiry into whether or not one can cook a chicken by slapping it. The idea involves properties of movement and heat transfer that I, a person so science-illiterate that I got a C in a class called "Plants & People," am not well equipped to articulate. But the premise is so robust that its serious explication is almost always entertaining (from Wired: "Even though cooked chicken is not just hot raw meat, I'm going to assume it is.") Better still is the endless series of Battlebot-style contraptions built by mechanics club kids on YouTube, motor-powered, viscera-spewing monstrosities that sometimes, after hours of work, pulverize a piece of meat several degrees hotter. Anyway, above is a video in which someone succeeds. It's fucking gross!
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