Telling, this Justice League redux. DCEU’s enfranchised rose up like a society of Jokers to subject us to their whims. In girth the Snyder Cut will be Zack’s Andrei Rublev. In spirit it’ll be his Mirror -- and ours. Brings fresh meaning to “post-viz.” New-skin Steppenwolf, now a Polar Express capture of Ridley Scott’s Legend’s Tim Curry’s Satan? We feast on that. To wit, WandaVision is a palate-cleanser laced with MSG, and we’re Oliver Twist for the gruel. Please, Feige, some more. More transactions off the same properties, pinwheels upon which we must blow. Flanagan’s cut of Doctor Sleep was able to make “more” fully matter, finding resonance in a richer meter, but it's an exception. As Scorsese pegged in Harper’s, art’s rain is now content’s stream. And cousins would rather heed Scott’s good cut of Kingdom Of Heaven over his classic cut of Blade Runner, where the wisest lesson was this: chop the dumb shit. Boil it out. (2049 shoulda harkened, too). Instead, we want submerged in the shit, filled with it. We want our function, bile organs in the media conglomerate mass. Are we not intertwined? Er, entertained? *Dedicated to Ridley Scott and the Mouth of Sauron*
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